Movie-Hype00603 – BATMAN BEGINS
We were to meet at
So it’s
Soon it’s time to go to the theatre. I was all jacked up. I think staring at a five-story screen will do that. You forget how freakin’ immense IMAX is. I got up right before the show to explore and ran into this hot girl (and of course got her email), so I was on fire.
Before the movie starts they give us this laser show. It was okay, I guess, but pretty cheesy and make-fun-able. And, the announcer points out that IMAX is Canadian.
For those of you who haven’t journeyed up here in the Witness Protection Program, I have to explain.
BATMAN BEGINS is the best BATMAN movie ever made. BATMAN BEGINS is the best Super Hero movie ever made. BATMAN BEGINS should get Oscar consideration.
It’s that good.
Finally we get an “origins” story worthy of a great hero. What makes Super Heroes so interesting (or should, at least) is why they do the things they do. Taking their time, director Christopher Nolan (MEMENTO) shows us exactly why Bruce Wayne is the way he is. How can he fight that way? Why use bats? Where’s all this anger coming from? All explained, and really cool too.
I liked how hard they tried to not get too sophisticated with the equipment he uses, recognizing that at first Batman was starting from scratch and didn’t have every cool thing under the sun. The
I could easily spend 10,000 words talking about the cast. I’ll try not to, but I will say that Rutger Hauer and Gary Oldman both give refined performances. I did not know Gary Oldman was capable of this. Color me impressed.

Which means that Christian Bale, as Batman, had his work cut out for him. Thank the Maker, he’s up to it. At first Bale looks like Matthew McConaughey and Tom Cruise had a child. But get past that and see how much he brings to the table.
One of my problems with all the other Batmans, even though I liked a couple of them, was that they focused too much on the bad guys. They are interesting and all, but Batman himself is so compelling! He should be the main character. This is a guy who’s fighting crime, but right there on that edge, always in danger of falling off the deep end.
HYPERION’S RATING SYSTEM Suspension of Disbelief Index (out of 10): 9. We are talking about a Super Hero here. However, the emotions are very real, so take those seriously. Genre Grade (Super Hero Movie): A+ Violence: A good bit, and not all cartoonish, either. This is not for kids Sex/Nudity: Nada. I’ll probably regret saying this, but it really didn’t need it Chemistry: Fantastic. Bruce Wayne with Alfred is already one of the best duos ever Pantheon Percentile: 94. One helluva movie. |
Bale brings that intensity to Bruce Wayne. I believed his anger, his guilt, and surprisingly, his fear. This guy is top notch. He’s been doing a lot of independent films or I think he’d already be A-list, but now he definitely will be. He can act circles around most his age. Watch out for him.
The dialogue is tight, sharp and acerbic. The humor is never forced, and comes as a great relief to a very serious film. The special effects are not over-used, but effective when we get them. The sets are fantastic, giving us a
We get several bad guys, each with their own thing: one creepy, one smooth and vile, and one strangely honorable, which makes him all the more evil. Bruce Wayne and Batman are equal to the task. Yes, there is a woman, played by Katie Holmes, and she does fine, but this isn’t a romantic film. They really could have kept her out, but you have to have some girl. Understanding that law (and it is a law), it’s really not much of a distraction. BATMAN BEGINS is virtually flawless.
I was so excited walking out that I didn’t want to come home just yet. So,
One thing
This is the movie you want to have in your mind when you think of the Dark Knight. This is the movie to go out on top. This is BATMAN BEGINS, and they will never do it better.
Thanks to
I am so glad to hear this. I love reading your reviews on movies I'm sitting on the fence or iffy about. I originally was going to see it in the theater due to the special effects. (Yes, I'm one of those - theater or video worthy choosers - but come on, I've not found my Sugar Daddy yet.) After all, if you're going to see a flick with special effects, the theater is the place to be. But now...I am actually looking forward to seeing it and the nuances of it and why you liked it so. If you liked it that much, it has got to be beyond awesome. Thanks for doing the reviews; I appreciate it.
Off topic – what is up w/ you & the violinist – and getting the other dames email – what the play-ah you are! Oh well…I still loves ya despite it.
Yeah! Batman, shmatman. Yhat about the 19 year old 'Clockwork Orange' violinist. She sounds very interesting.
Seriously though: Any movie where the lead double-stacks supermodels to get them into his Italian-made two-seat sportscar is a great movie. Any movie where the aforementioned lead buys an entire hotel so the aforementioned supermodels might frolic in the restaurant fountain is destined for greatness. Forget the silly bat-crime-fighting nonsense. More supermodel water-frolicking!
Also, the word 'spelunking' should see much more usage post-Batman Begins. Triple word score for the writers. Whoo!
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