"Find hungry samurai" -Gisaku

Another reader takes a crack at super hero legendry

Finally someone steps up to the challenge and answers Marcellus! I was beginning to worry you were all cowards. Hyperion Nation reader Elvis writes in with his own pick for super hero movie. BEWARE: THERE IS A SPOILER ABOUT THE SIXTH SENSE BELOW. I considered editing that out, but it's funny, most people on this site have seen the movie, and if you haven't (and aren't aware of the spoiler), DON'T READ ANY FURTHER. Without further ado, here's Elvis:

Batman Begins and Batman (1989) were both top notch as far as
superhero movies go, yet my vote has to go to Unbreakable (2000, M.
Night Shyamalan). This movie is unconventional as far as superhero
movies go, but it manages to succeed for the following reasons:

1) I think it is safe to say that M. Night Shyamalan is the best
filmmaker out there today. He is better known for the Sixth Sense, but
I think he does a comparable job on this film.

2) In addition to being a superhero story itself, it is also a
thought-provoking examination of the origin and nature of the
superhero genre. It is so unconventional as far as this genre goes,
that it might be a stretch to say it belongs. But when you examine the
plot, characters and structure, it would be hard to not include it.

3) Surprise endings are always a good deal, but I shan't ruin it for
those who have not seen it. (Oh, I was so angry.... I came home from
the video store:
Brother: What did you rent?
Me: The Sixth Sense
Brother: Oh, Bruce Willis is a ghost.
Me: Thanks)

....But I digress... and it just occurred to me that by sharing my
anecdote about the time in which the Sixth Sense was ruined for me, I
may have unwittingly ruined it for countless others who also haven't
seen it. But as they say: "Takes one to know one."

4) Ghost or not, Bruce Willis certainly does a decent job; but it is
Samuel L. Jackson who really makes this movie worth the rental fee.

Well, that is my movie, and those are my thoughts. Now go watch it or
post a comment or become a children's author or something.

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