"Find hungry samurai" -Gisaku


Some absolute genius named Molly (actually I think ALL Mollys are geniuses, but that's for another time) has made a preview trailer for THE SHINING.....as a romantic comedy. I might be in love with her.

This also goes to prove that Hollywood could make much better previews if they wanted. I mean, some high school chick can make this...and they can't make me want to see IN HER SHOES?

Okay, no power in the 'verse can make me want to do that, but you know what I mean.

THE SHINING as you've never seen it

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think we've found the new Cameron Crowe. It's got a real 'Say Anything' sort of feel, doesn't it. Especially with Peter Gabriel (right?) providing his talents. You think she could make 'Carrie' a viable teen-sex comedy? An 'Cujo' is definitely the next 'Benji'.

Now if we could just get ahold of Micheal Bay's funding...